What are The Benefits of Nicotine Pouches?

Sep 11, 2024

What are The Benefits of Nicotine Pouches?

What are The Benefits of Nicotine Pouches?

Before we get to the benefits of nicotine pouches, let’s first give you the lowdown…

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance normally found in traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products.

It is a psychoactive substance with a powerful effect on the brain. While reliance on any substance is not a good thing, it is here that nicotine’s appeal lies and the reason many people find it so pleasing.

Nicotine triggers the release of the hormone dopamine (aka the feel-good hormone) which creates a feeling of pleasure and relaxation. Nicotine also has a temporary calming effect on the brain, which is why individuals addicted to nicotine use it as a coping mechanism when they find themselves in stressful or anxious situations.

See: The Positive Effects of Nicotine

But it is rarely used as a stand-alone product, nicotine. Rather, you’ll often find it as one of several ingredients in nicotine-based offerings.

While studies are not absolutely definitive on the long-term negative effects of nicotine on human health, that’s not to say nicotine usage has no side effects or health risks.

The truth is, though, most of the negativity associated with nicotine is due to its highly addictive properties. Because while it may not be as dangerous as other substances found in tobacco-based products such as regular cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, nicotine is largely to blame for keeping users hooked to these products.

Thus, in an attempt to curb the risk associated with tobacco use, the market has witnessed a rise in alternative nicotine products that completely remove tobacco – the main culprit as far as negative health effects go – out of the equation.

It is in this alternative category that you’ll find vapes, nicotine replacement therapy options such as nicotine gum, lozenges and patches, as well as what constitutes the topic of our discussion today: nicotine pouches.

Brief overview of nicotine pouches

Nicotine pouches are small permeable bags that contain a white powder that is a blend of nicotine and other ingredients that might include flavouring, plant-based fibres and salt or sweeteners.

These pouches are intended to be placed in the mouth between the gum and lower or upper lip (depending on preference). From here, they release nicotine which is then gradually absorbed into the body through the gums.

Pouches are one of the newest alternative ways to consume nicotine, joining a growing list of smoking alternatives that are deviating from reliance on tobacco.

Indeed, this is one of the biggest draws of nicotine pouches. And it is no surprise that they are becoming increasingly popular among consumers who desire nicotine but prefer to steer clear of tobacco (more on that shortly).

It also explains the high uptake of pouches by smokers looking to quit when vaping is not an option; as well as by users of tobacco who want to cut back on their tobacco consumption.

The benefits of nicotine pouches

Nicotine pouches benefits are a dime a dozen.

Let’s take a detailed look into what you can expect with this relatively new form of nicotine consumption.

A: Health benefits of nicotine pouches

As with all other smoking alternatives, the health benefits of nicotine pouches are a primary driver behind the rise and popularity of this nicotine delivery method.

Below are some of the potential health-related nicotine pouch benefits that have made pouches popular with many consumers:

1. Nicotine pouches are tobacco-free and there is no smoke involved

The risks associated with tobacco use are well known. Whether consumed in the form of cigarettes, pipe tobacco or smokeless tobacco products, tobacco has no safe level of exposure.

Tobacco contains naturally-occurring chemicals, therefore consuming it on its own presents a number of health risks to the user. However, the health risks are heightened the more when tobacco is burned.

According to the UK Cancer Research, tobacco smoke from regular cigarettes contains more than 5,000 toxins. At least 70 of these chemicals are known carcinogens. [1]

It is little surprise then that the World Health Organisation (WHO) lists smoking as the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death worldwide. Globally, smoking accounts for 7.2 million deaths each year – more than AIDs, TB and malaria combined. [2]

As alluded to earlier, this is one of the risks that nicotine pouches seek to eliminate for consumers of nicotine.

Pouches contain nicotine but no tobacco goes into their production.

That aside, nicotine pouches absolve users of the need to inhale the dangerous substances present in tobacco products, automatically making pouches a much safer option compared to the latter.

Notably, pouches are very respiratory-system-friendly, which makes them an excellent option for individuals with breathing issues or conditions who need to quell their nicotine cravings without having to resort to anything with smoke or vapour.

2. Nicotine pouches are health-friendlier for passive users

Exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) from burning tobacco products can cause illness and death among non-smokers.

Since nicotine pouches are a smoke-free form of nicotine consumption, they are helpful in curtailing the risk that SHS – which is a mix of mainstream and side-stream smoke – poses to passive users. This includes everything from respiratory ailments to serious health issues such as lung infection, heart disease, cancer and more. [3]

3. Nicotine pouches are better for your oral health

One of the effects of long-term smoking is the impact cigarettes have on oral health. It doesn’t matter how good your dental routine is, but smoking does stain the teeth over time. The same rings true for other tobacco products such as smokeless tobacco.

As much as it is an oral form of nicotine consumption, nicotine pouches do not stain the enamel on your teeth. At least not in a pronounced fashion like you’ll get with anything containing tobacco in it.

That’s because there is no tar involved. Plus, the ingredients that constitute a nicotine pouch are confined in a pristine white bag that lowers the risk of staining your pearly whites.

Still on the issue of oral health, another advantage of using nicotine pouches as your preferred mode of nicotine consumption is the reduced risk of gum diseases and cancers of the mouth and throat. These are all risks associated with using snus and other smokeless tobacco products. [4]

4. Nicotine pouches have potential for weight management

This might not be one of the headlining benefits of nicotine pouches, but it’s worth highlighting. The weight management claim is linked to the presence of nicotine in pouches, and there is some basis to it.

You see, most nicotine users (particularly smokers) often report increased hunger pangs and appetite as one of the outcomes of kicking the habit.

That’s because nicotine is a known appetite suppressor, therefore active nicotine users find it easier to control their cravings and limit their calorie intake. While there are those who use nicotine to intentionally suppress appetite, not everyone is in it for weight management.

But it is true that multiple studies over the years have established a correlation between nicotine usage and decreased appetite. [5]

In addition to reducing appetite and limiting one’s food intake, nicotine helps users manage weight issues by raising your metabolic rate and increasing energy expenditure. Research has also found that nicotine use can reduce weight by increasing fat oxidation and lipolysis.

Since nicotine is the main draw when it comes to nicotine pouches, it then follows that users can use pouches as a weight control method. However, it’s worth adding that this is not an endorsement of nicotine pouches as a weight management routine. We’re simply laying out the potential benefits that nicotine pouch users can expect.

The same applies to vaping as well, provided the e-liquid contains nicotine.

When it comes to vaping, though, e-liquid flavours also do play a role in weight management. That particularly goes for sweet e-liquids and dessert flavours which some vapers use to curb their craving for calorie-dense treats.

Related: Weight Loss: Can Vaping Helping You Lose Weight?

B: Convenience and lifestyle benefits

Nicotine pouches benefits extend beyond health benefits.

Some advantages of using pouches you can expect from a lifestyle perspective include the following:

1. Convenience

Nicotine pouches make for one of the most uncomplicated nicotine delivery methods. All you need is to pop one under your lip and go on about your day. Once you get your fix, remove the used pouch and dispose (responsibly).

Pouches are perfect if you need a minimalist nicotine delivery method. There are no kits to set up or maintain, and they can be used anywhere (including indoor spaces where smoking or vaping is frowned upon).

2. Nicotine pouches allow for discretion

With the negative effects of smoking in the public domain and more people becoming health-conscious, smoking – once considered a cool pastime – is increasingly being viewed in a negative light the world over. We’ve already witnessed smoking bans imposed in public shared spaces in most cities and countries across the world, and vaping has not been exempted from the rule either.

Stealth vaping – a form of low-profile vaping that uses compact e-cig devices that do not draw a lot of attention – is one way to circumnavigate the rules and enjoy your vape without attracting disapproving side-eyes. But why go through the bother when there is a better option to get your nicotine hits without interfering with anyone’s business?

Nicotine pouches are a perfect way to manage your nicotine cravings without attracting any attention whatsoever. Their smoke-free and vapour-less nature notwithstanding, pouches do not involve any spitting either (a luxury you don’t get with classic snus and other smokeless tobacco products).

3. Nicotine pouches are cost-effective

With the cost of traditional cigarettes going through the roof in recent years, smoking has turned out to be a costly affair. According to official government data, a pack of cigarettes in the UK has skyrocketed by 240% in the last 20 years. The period between 2022 and 2023 has witnessed a jump of 14.61%. [6]

Vaping has often been billed as a cheaper option to smoking, but the disposable vape category can be an expensive errand for those users who prefer these simpler, convenient devices.

While the difference between nicotine pouches and vapes is negligible, smokers in particular stand to enjoy significant savings by opting for nicotine pouches instead, with some quarters placing the expected cost savings at 150% lower per year compared to smoking.

4. Nicotine pouches offer versatility

Vaping is famed for its versatility in terms of the ability to tailor the experience to individual preferences. Nicotine pouches may not provide the same versatility as vaping, but they definitely allow for more customisation compared to cigarettes.

For one, nicotine pouches are available in a plethora of flavours that regular cigarettes or other smokeless tobacco offerings can offer.

Secondly, pouches give users more flexibility in terms of nicotine consumption. With the option to choose from different nicotine strengths, nicotine pouches provide an opportunity for users to find a strength that aligns with their preferences.

What’s more, pouches differ in terms of size and shape. This ensures they cater to different needs and preferences, guaranteeing users a level of flexibility that traditional tobacco products do not offer.

Are there downsides to nicotine pouches?

Now that you’re privy to nicotine pouches benefits, are there any downsides you should be aware of?

Below are some potential drawbacks associated with form of nicotine delivery in a nutshell:

1. Addiction

Nicotine pouches are – well – a nicotine product at the end of the day. As much as they are widely considered a safer alternative to cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products, nicotine is a highly addictive substance which can prove a challenge to quit once the addiction kicks in.

This is why many find it hard to quit smoking despite its known health risks.

On the upside, a counter-argument can be made that nicotine addiction does not necessarily translate into eventual smoking. It becomes a problem when non-nicotine users – particularly young people – pick it up as a new habit. Because then, they risk getting hooked on nicotine and making it a habit.

For smokers and other tobacco product users, however, switching to nicotine pouches is something to be lauded.

2. Ease of access

Ease of access is always a good thing for any product. It’s no different when it comes to nicotine pouches.

Looking at the other side of the coin, though, there have been concerns that this makes them more appealing and readily available to teens. And more so due to the discreet nature of pouches which makes them easy to conceal unlike other nicotine products which are more noticeable.

The truth is that there is a legal age for buying nicotine products (which is 18 years of age in the UK) which vendors are expected to adhere to. But that doesn’t mean it’s fool-proof.

3. Slower absorption rate

Nicotine pouches provide a longer and more consistent experience compared to other nicotine delivery methods – something we probably should have included as one of the many nicotine pouch benefits.

But there’s a downside that cancels this out: nicotine pouches also take longer to absorb into the system. For first-time users, that should not be a problem. However, smokers and other active nicotine users transitioning to pouches may find this lag a drawback.

4. No throat hit

Again, this might be a downside for a section of nicotine pouch users (smokers and vapers in particular) but for those only in it for the nicotine high, it is not a strong deal-breaker.

Throat hit is the feeling you get at the back of the throat when you inhale on a cigarette or vape. Some consider it crucial as far as nicotine satisfaction and the overall experience goes.

Since nicotine pouches cannot deliver as satisfying a sensation as cigarettes and vapes, this form of nicotine delivery may prove underwhelming for this category of users.

5. Possible side effects

Nicotine pouches, while generally safer than tobacco-based products, may still have some side effects. Most of these side effects can be traced to the nicotine content, but other ingredients in the pouch may also contribute.

Some of the common side effects some users may experience include gum irritation, nausea, upset stomach, dizziness or headaches.


In closing, it’s obvious to see nicotine pouch benefits far outweigh the downsides of this form of nicotine delivery.

Pouches clearly win when gauging them from a “health risks” point of view, particularly when comparing them to cigarettes and other tobacco products. They also one-up nicotine replacement therapy products in terms of effectiveness, striking a perfect balance between the two worlds.

Pouches are a safer alternative to tobacco products, and a more practical tool for transitioning from other nicotine products (if that’s the intention). However, nicotine pouches are not without their potential drawbacks, and it’s good to keep this in mind when using them.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are nicotine pouches effective?

The effectiveness of nicotine pouches will depend on who you ask. However, the general consensus is that they are a more potent nicotine delivery method compared to traditional nicotine replacement products like nicotine gum and lozenges.

Unlike cigarettes or vapes, they take a while longer for the desired effect to kick in, though. But unlike these two methods which provide a few minutes of enjoyment, nicotine pouches deliver a longer and more consistent experience. It’s a bit of a case of choosing your poison (in a good way).


Are nicotine pouches harmful?

Nicotine pouches are a great smoking cessation tool and safer alternative to chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco products. But that’s not to say they are completely devoid of any risk.

One of the biggest drawbacks of nicotine pouches is the nicotine addiction that comes with their continued usage. But this is more of a disadvantage for non-nicotine users getting into the world of nicotine pouches and individuals looking to quit nicotine than it is for consumers in search of a safer alternative to tobacco-based products.


What is the difference between snus and nicotine pouches?

Nicotine pouches are not much different from snus in the way they are used. But there is one distinguishing difference that makes them totally different products: tobacco.

Unlike snus, nicotine pouches do not contain tobacco. This makes pouches a safer option, not to mention a more popular one in countries where snus is restricted or banned.

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